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Comments section

Fuck you, shut the fuck up

Save the comments section…’Cuz words are bullshit

by Pushmataha November 29, 2022

If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.

If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.

If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.

by sdinaz October 25, 2023


Self explanitory - before you even think about pressing the 'reply' button and publishing your brilliant intellectual thinking for the ENTIRE WORLD to see just make sure that your spelling, punctuation, meanings and meanderings are something that you stand behind 100% O.K.?

Just use your Comment-sense this time, Billy!!!!!

by towilmusic April 19, 2021

Mouth Comments

When someone belittles someone else for talking. Not when someone is occupied, not when the other person is being loud or obnoxious, but just shaming them for plain old talking.

Usually it’s used by losers who can’t function in society with others around.

Person #1: *talks continuously*

Person #2: Shut up, you talk too much.

Person #1: Quit making mouth comments, dickhead! If you don’t like my story, just leave!

by Cmt145 July 12, 2024

cum comment

when someone stutters are they say cum comment

ok so he cum commented... i mean commented”

by sectionleader69420 August 30, 2019

One-Solution Commentator

An irrationally biased and narrow-viewed blog writer, typically unable to articulate the fundamental premises of multi-faceted arguments or opposing views. Prone to repeating a single point of (often mistaken) drivel by way of meaningless mantra repetitions.
One who offers no significant input into a public debate, though emitting a distracting noise; the subject of public scorn and social rejection.

idiot moron racist anti-noonie mouse One-Solution One-Solution Commentator

by Expat Georgia April 22, 2009

Comment Tator

Someone whom you could give the best Caviar in a 18 carot bowl with the finest champagne from the Champane region in France in leaded cystal with a plater of fillet mignon on fine china served up on a silver platter and the bastard would still complain.

Waldo here just showed up from somewhere nobody ever heard of and he's out of gas,beer,smokes money so I fed him what I thought would please him and gave him a $20 bill he still made like a Comment Tator and complained like it's not good enough for him.

by LaNerd April 20, 2011