Rural Arkansas slang stinging sensation felt on exposed skin one experiences caused by dirt and sand blown about by tornadoes,thunderstorms,dust devils and high winds.
What a helluva gusty day! I got a heck of a dirt spanking walking down the road to the mailbox!
Someone who hits the ground at a high velocity.
"John's parachute didn't open, and he became a Dirt Torpedo
When you make in a shot in basketball while being guarded heavily. Another word for "eye jammie"
"Cuff..... You just got eye dirt"
"Coofff.......You got a lil eye dirt....Where?...RIGHT THEY!"
Describes a penis when it is pulled out after anal sex
After I finished in her ass she sucked on my dirt wang
BOY a noise with dirt on it, we like cars and loud noises
Oh hey look that’s a boy also known as a noise with dirt on it There he is working on his Camaro
One who wears a sheeps wool coat to party. Dances on the d-floor with seven girls petting him. Can be used in replacement of the term "dirt squirrel" when one looks exceptionally dirty. Probably did not wear the coat with any shirt underneith and probably got laid. Would be the perfect outfit for a chilly summers night swine mixer.
He may be dressed like a dirt sheep but that coat sure is a lady slayer.
An exclamation to warn others to brace for some serious damage by an explosive or vehicle.
Soldier 1: When did the rebels get tanks?
Commanding Officer: Those aren't tanks; those are bulldozers.
Soldier 2: Holy shit, commander, you're right!
Commanding Officer: Hit the dirt! They're coming this way!