A female that tends to sleep most of the day, cook good food, smoke marijuana and play video games. Most hamsters also have an eclectic taste in music, shows, and other entertainment.
Physically hamster tend to be short thicc girls.
The maker of this is a hamster; she sleeps 10hrs and splits the waking time between work, games, and cooking.
I am a hamster, I need music to breathe and can cook a meal out of nothing
The hamster is a short thicc girl that's perfect wife material
Something that you shove up your ass when you're horny
I just shoved an entire fucking hamster up my asshole
that one animal you thundercunt at the wall after dying in a game
my mate jack absolutely obliterated his hamster after losing 27 times in rainbow 6
terrible creature of death that dies instantly. No larger than a thumb, no smaller than an atom.
Something retards say in Norway.
Have you smoked hamster?
Dude:So boys what did you do yesterday?
Retard:i smoked some hamster