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Petty handle

The ability to handle petty people, like yourself.

Despite the constant criticizing the group said to one another. Christi was able to petty handle the group today, by reminding them for the lack of their team work, and pionted out everyone in the groups most trivial details, revealing her own petty self.

by Bigbootytractor77 October 19, 2024

Click here to change your handle

When your on Urban Dictionary and feel the need to change your username whether it be annoyance, it growing old, people making fun of it, wanting to spice it up or many other reasons.

Guy: I think I don't like BigFatChunkyHairyBalls as my username anymore considering all of my family is seeing my definitions
*Opens up handle.save.php on Urban dictionary*
*Clicks Click here to change your handle8
Guy: How about I change it to supaman?
Guy: Oh, it's taken
Guy: How about 342942340240234?
Guy: Yippee

by q1z September 13, 2022

Handle Goo

"Handle goo" is the layer of germs and who knows what on anything the public touches. For example a door handle, an escalator handle, the rail or handle on a stairway.

Leaving the bathroom Jill had no choice but to use the door handle and get her hands covered in handle goo.

by BrieKneeVA August 24, 2008

Tap Handles

Some bitch with muffin tops you meet in a bar in Rockaway and regret fucking

I was in Breezy Point and woke up with Tap Handles....sweet jesus!

by Grand Jury Fury Eddie O September 28, 2016

Randall Can’t Handle

Magen you go out with the bois and that one guys doesn’t make it through the night

We went to the Def Leppard show, and Ben didn’t make it to the second song… Yeah Randall Can’t handle

by Spitshine McGee April 1, 2023

Peruvian Salmon Handle

The act of freezing a dalmon, painting it red and white, then shoving it down your uncle's throat.

"Hey dude, I heard Sam gave him uncle a Peruvian Salmon Handle."

"OH gross not that!"

by Upamonaco August 22, 2024

Hello (insert handle here)

The first thing you see when you click your account picture

When I want to look at my definitions, the first menu that pops up from the catalog of random definitions is "Hello (Insert Handle Here)

by EL SEXO GRATIS December 20, 2023