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Food Hangover

Accuring after a food party (Party where you binge on food not alcohol) or just eating large amounts of junk food, you will get high of sugar or protien then crash into a food Hangover. Food Hangover symptoms are vomiting, head aches, and other unpleasant side effects to eating delicious food. The more extreme version of a stomach ache.

Friend 1: Hey, are we going back downtown?
Friend 2: No! I have the worst food hangover.
Friend 1: I thought you were off the sugar!?!
Friend 2: I can stop at any time!

by NikkiNicki August 19, 2010

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toothpaste hangover

a toothpaste hangover is when you just brushed your teeth and then you go and have some food/drink and it taste horrible b/c of the toothpaste.

aww man i got a damn "toothpaste hangover"

by heartbroken13 July 14, 2011

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Sausage hangover

The deliciously painful feeling experienced the morning after a bout of particularly vigorous intercourse.
Applicable, but not limited, to homosexual activity.

"You alright Alisdair? You look like you're gonna throw up!"
"Yeah, just a touch of sausage hangover; Iain got a little carried away last night after watching Bill Odie on Springwatch..."

by Dirty Animals February 23, 2009

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Pride Hangover

Its the combination of too much beer, not enough water and standing in the broiling sun for the entire day of a Pride Festival. Usually NO sunscreen is put onto the skin. Often found on young Pride go-ers who actually think this wont kill them the next day.

Did u see Marty the other day? He looked wrecked!
Yea he was suffering from a bad case of Pride Hangover

by crazykelleeee June 26, 2011

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Hangover Hung

When you have an erection in the morning after a long night of drinking.

I woke up the in morning and i was hangover hung. My penis was throbbing for a quick jerk.

by CaptainGill June 5, 2010

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Snowday Hangover

The unfortunate aftermath following the extreme joy and ecstasy of a snow day. Generally characterized by large amounts of make up work, soreness from throwing snowballs, and the overall shock from the adjustment back to real life.

Guy 1: Dude that Snow Day was amazing!!

Guy 2: I know man but now i got 2 make up tests, and a lab, and I can't feel my right arm...

Guy 1: Bummer, what a total snowday hangover

by Gmo104 December 11, 2009

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holiday hangover

The terrible feeling you get the day you have to go back to work after more than two days off due to a holiday.

I went back to work after Christmas weekend with Holiday Hangover.

by Jaymi Dark December 29, 2007

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