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Dickle Rick

The yet-to-be-released pornographic film based off of the television show "Rick and Morty". The scene "Pickle Rick" gets a sexy twist for viewers' pleasure.

"I turned myself into a dick Morty. I'M DICKLE RIIIIIIIIIICKKKK!!!" -Newest upcoming "Rick and Morty" porn parody: "Dickle Rick"

by Pxrmesan February 5, 2018

Slickity Rick

A poser. All the swagger of white kid from the suburbs.

That clown is a real slickity rick. He's seen 3 black people.

by Fuckmeagainwhydontya September 17, 2019

Ricked Out

The feeling of being completely out of wack due to taking a rather large schoolbus of a pill.

"Yo someone help Spencer"
"Because he's ricked the fuck out, he's completely out of wack!"

Spencer is feeling ricked out, so someone needs to help him.

by RickOwens73 September 30, 2020

pull a rick

It's when you swerve an ugly hoe at the right moment leaving her shocked and stunned.

Jerry: Damn, this hoe tried to get with me bruh I had to pull a Rick.
Dave: Damnnn I wish my dad could do that.

by DARKASSNEGRO October 27, 2017

Rick James

A very popular singer from the 80s that seems to identify himself as a women, given how he acts and dresses. Best known for Super freak, which ended up basically being ripped off and butchered into can’t touch this by Mc hammer.

Person 1: heres Rick James super freak music
Person 1: can’t touch this!
Person 2: nope wrong song this is super freak by Rick James!
Person 1: it’s super freaky that Rick James touched mc hammer’s work
Person 2: Actually super freak came out first so really Mc hammer is the one who can’t touch this!!!

by Oh hi Johnny memes March 20, 2020

Stanley Rick

The most amazing figure in the history of mankind besides Jesus, multimillionaire,pimp,war-hero,Rapstar,etc.

Jake:Dude, Stanley Rick has 456 cars in his Cabinet
Jack:Hey, do what you gotta does

by Gerald Levine May 21, 2011

The Big Rick

The biggest chad at the party, always drinking other people's beers and bragging about his high school kick return average, which is way over 39 1/2 yards. Usually, at one point in the night, The Big Rick will decide it's tub time and usher every high school girl at the party to accompany him to the bathroom where-in they will have to all get in the bathtub and cannot leave until everyone has finished their drink. Secretly subscribes to r/coomers.

Person One: "Have you seen Zach tonight? He's being kind of a Big Rick"
Person Two: "More like THE Big Rick, did you see how many girls he had under his arm?"

by samuelpaultoskin November 27, 2020