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leah needham

leah needham is the biggest slag she has a private story with 100+ boys only

by ashleebeech.xo May 3, 2020


Someone who has sucked someone off on a hay bail

Kylie is a slag

by ElTheBeast July 1, 2020


a word where he or she sleeps around while they are in a relationship with another person

Friend 1: he is sleeping with other people
Friend 2: he is such a fucking slag

by BRIANFORTHEWIN April 15, 2021


Slag is the cheese that would grow between ones butt cheeks. If not removed, the slag begins to irritate the skin causing rashing and cists that smell like rotten fish.

I woke up late for work one day so i quickly left the house and made my way to work. As i was driving i could smell this horrible stench but i didnt know where it was coming from, so I continued my day like normal.. i arrived at work and everyone i walked past threw up, i was puzzled at first but then I realised that all of the slag from between my sweet cheeks had melted and ran down my leg onto the floor, i quickly ran out of the building and returned home to rid this foul monstrosity from my life

by Mr Mcdonald October 24, 2017


The universal way to say fuck you

son:mum your a slag

by Your basment kid November 26, 2020


The universal way of saying fuck you

son:I want a ps5
son:Your a slag BITCH!

by Your basment kid November 23, 2020


It is a mix of swag and slay

I bought rope. Oh slag

by RYNSecretlife October 9, 2023