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The spot

The spot located under the green staircases at Inglewood High School. All the cool people use to kick it there under some douche decided to hang around in a circle in the middle of nowhere.

hey remember when we use to kick it at the spot?

- yeah, good times...good times.

by three1ohhh March 22, 2009

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cold spots

The areas of a pillow that seem to have cooler parts as compared to other areas of that same pillow. First coined by an educated scholar simply refered to as "Owen"

I love when I turn over my pillow and nestle my face in all of these cold spots

by Owenman November 8, 2007

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Cock spot

A place in a video game where a person continuously get stuck.

Arlen! Stop flipping your car in the trees your gonna get stu-... dammit arlen! That your own personal cock spot!

by T-rannosaurus Murray October 24, 2008

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Spotted Smurf

When someone (usually a male in a homosexual encounter) farts on the tosser's face while tossing their salad and ends up spraying a tiny splatter of shit in a random freckle like pattern.

While eating some dude's ass in the back of a truck in Las Vegas while my other friends were partying, the big black king farted right on my face and gave me a Spotted Smurf! I love farting! I love poop! I love having big black cock rammed into my ass! I'm a happy Jewish homosexual!

by AWESOMERJNM July 28, 2011

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Spotted Cows

a low level beastie that lurks in the plains of the Badlands. They look very similar to what many expect a leopord, or even a buzzard (see flying cows). But make no mistake. They are cows. And they will follow you.

GuildWuntvor: These spotted cows look a lot like leopards.
GuildWuntvor: And these flying cows, they look alot like buzzards..
GuildAtilathehun: lol
GuildWuntvor: cows follow me ....

by Aeirion, the Draenei pally February 28, 2009

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spot of tea

A small amount of prepared tea, generally a single serving or less, and usually a variety of black tea. Primarily a British idiom.

"Would you care for a spot of tea?"
"Yes! With sugar, if you have it."

by Yumyan Hammerpaw November 18, 2020

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Spot Lighter

Someone who is a lazy good for nothing employee unless a supervisor is around, that is when they act like they were working hard and have been for hours. Then they go back to their usual laziness after the supervisor has left.

Spec. Brown: Man, did you see that spot lighter today?

Cpl. Jones: Private Snuffy again?

Spec. Brown: Yep, Snuffy was goofing off in my room then saw Sgt. Mac coming down the hall. The spot lighting son of a gun started working when Sarge came in and went back to doing nothing when Sarge left. We need to give him a Soap Party.

Cpl. Jones: I hate Blue Falcons!

by Ack Ack June 10, 2009

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