Another word for human or animal defecation - shit.
"Your mate Pete's left another dirt pasty in the oven"
"Man your Girlfriend can bake a dirt pasty. Took me 4 hours to scrub the shitter clean"
A female of the slut variety who catches numerous STI's
That bird is a dirt trap
An unclean smelly person. One who does not wash, bath or shower on a daily basis.
Mona is a dirt dobbler ass ho.
Rural Arkansas slang stinging sensation felt on exposed skin one experiences caused by dirt and sand blown about by tornadoes,thunderstorms,dust devils and high winds.
What a helluva gusty day! I got a heck of a dirt spanking walking down the road to the mailbox!
Someone who hits the ground at a high velocity.
"John's parachute didn't open, and he became a Dirt Torpedo
When you make in a shot in basketball while being guarded heavily. Another word for "eye jammie"
"Cuff..... You just got eye dirt"
"Coofff.......You got a lil eye dirt....Where?...RIGHT THEY!"
A filthy location, such as a roller rink, where other activities, such as Zumba, are performed out of necessity.
There is no Zumba class at the gym tonight so I guess we are going to have to risk disease & go to the dirt den.