Source Code

dirty phantom

When a woman goes to the bathroom to clean up after sex, the man goes to the bottom of the bed and wipes off his cock on the inside of the bottom of the comforter

After giving Angle some hot anal and finishing off with a chili dog, Ja-mobe cleans himself up with a dirty phantom.

by Frank Manwhore Rizzo August 28, 2020

phantom hittler

A phantom potatoe salad looking nigger bitch who can suck a catepiller dick

His is a phantom hittler

by Twisted_wizard January 10, 2016

1👍 2👎

Phantom Shit

when you fart very slowly and it feels warm and wet and almost like you shit yourself

Guy 1: Oh no, I think I just shat myself, something came out all warm and wet
Guy 2: Check your underwear to make sure
Guy1: Dont worry it was only a phantom shit

by damharvs June 28, 2016

Danny Phantom

When you're doing a poo and then get up to inspect the specimen and theres nothing in the bowl. Typically the pressure and angle when it hit the water meant its already disappeared under the dip in toilet pipe.

*wipes ass and stands up, looks down at the toilet*

OMG where is my poo?

"Mum! Come quick, I've done another Danny Phantom!"

by Fritzyboi July 17, 2022

Danny Phantomed

when it’s cold outside when you’re smoking weed so when you exhale you can’t tell if it’s smoke or just your breath. (cause danny phantom would like see his breath around other ghosts)
can be used as danny phantomed, danny phantoming, etc

yo dude I think I just Danny Phantomed can I take another hit?

by eggboi June 18, 2017

Phantom Tantrum

When a person creates his or her own alternative version of a free of charge, viable, fully functional product or service in anger because of hatred towards the creator of the product or service.

Person 1: "I am really mad at that guy, I'm going to make an exact replica of his service just to annoy him! Haha, what a le epic troll I am!"

Person 2: "There's no need to have a Phantom Tantrum."

by Jamaican Man March 11, 2014

Phantom Tears

The feeling of tears running while being just fine.

Friend 1: I have lived in that home for too long, I can feel these phantom tears.
Friend 2: You did live there for over 20 years, I'm sure you'll miss it.

by Bro_Egg July 15, 2021