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poop gym

a gym but instead its all poop

when someone walks into the poop gym and asked if its the pee gym look around buddy

by MoistMeatMisslejizzyfella December 11, 2024

Gym Cockroach

A Fitness Trainee, who worships the Gym as the Holy Temple of Growth, who Voluntarily Reracks all the weights & plates left over by someone else. The Holy Temple of Growth gives us Mortal Trainees Strength, Toughness, Health and Muscles. It doesn't deserve to be Profaned with Messy Gear.

They couldn't help but do something about all those weights left around, so they decided to take the role of Gym Cockroaches and voluntarily rerack the weights.

by Nightmare Nemesis August 7, 2024

Gym Cockroach

A Fitness Trainee, who worships the Gym as the Holy Temple of Growth, who Voluntarily Reracks all the weights & plates left over by someone else. The Holy Temple of Growth gives us Mortal Trainees Strength, Toughness, Health, and Muscles. It doesn't deserve to be Profaned with Messy Gear.

They couldn't help but do something about all those weights left around untidy, so they decided to take the role of Gym Cockroaches and voluntarily rerack them.

by Nightmare Nemesis August 7, 2024

school gym bathroom

Even worse than regular school bathrooms. Depending on if it is an exterior gym or interior, you can expect to find crickets and other insects in:

The toilets
The urinals
The showers
The floor
All of the above
A living nightmare. Don’t even use them at your own risk unless it’s the winter. NEVER during the spring or summer.

Person 1: Yo, you hear Jimmolethew throwing up?
Person 2: Yeah, someone said he went to the school gym bathroom.

by unused username February 20, 2024

Gym snail

A person who goes to the gym and doesn't wipe down their sweat off of the gym equipment

I went to the gym earlier and a gym snail had used the equipment I needed, gross.

by Canton town August 6, 2019


gym rats who searched this up,man stfu urban dictionary dont give you gains .go to the fuckin gym now...

N O W !!!!!!!!!

if you dont want to go to gym because you're proud of being fat or being skinny

man its just like

mom i got type a diabetes and i am proud that i got 20% lower life expectancy than other

(imagine kabhy lame's that thing here )

by i guy from india November 27, 2021


Somewhere people go to practice.

Your daughter saw Billy at the gym when she went to practice. He was there practicing too. It turned out she wasn't the only one that went to the gym to practice or study.

by The Original Agahnim September 4, 2021