when preforming intercourse from behind the guy takes a nitrous oxide tank and plugs the hose into the girls anus. then he jumps on top and uses his erection as the gear shift and shouts vin diesel one liners.
i was feeling a little crazy after watching fast and the furious last night so i tried a nitro surprise on my wife. shes taking the kids.
When someone or something goes up your ass without you knowing
God dammit Henry Jim got himself an Anal Surprise yesterday.
When the guy you are hooking up with all of a sudden ghosts on you because he finds out he is having a baby with someone else.
I'm racking my brain why he won't return my calls and I think he's either in Jail or having a surprise baby.
Shia Surprise! There's a gun to your head, and death in his eyes
when your girl/boy friend has sex with you on christmas without you knowing
i have the best girlfriend ever! we had a surprise christmas last year!!
when writing (normally in a book) or a film/movie has the reader/audience surprised by an action or a fact
They were relying on the element of surprise to win the game.
Sneaking three fingers in the asshole while wearing a captains hat and blowing an airhorn.
( verb)
The Captain’s Surprise: Sneaking three fingers in the asshole while wearing a captains hat and blowing an airhorn.
“He gave me the Captains surprise on our second date at the marina.”