A man who is found in the wilderness bobbing apples but on the side kills hookers for fun.
Did you see the back alley bobber last night while you were camping because I nearly shit myself when I saw him bobben apples with his cold soulless eyes.
To make a great comeback
If a musician/musical artist once loss their worth in the industry they would be considered a “has been” or they would be know as someone who “fell off”
Your favorite rapper fell off a few years ago but I seen his music on the charts recently. He’s “back on” .
A tribe. A brotherhood. The best gang you could be a part of because you get to enjoy your entire dick as nature intended.
Popularized by Kodak Black
Me: Are you circumcised?
Friend: No way fam. Pull back gang.
Me: You already know bro. Gang gang.
when you twerk most likely with the freddy filter or another filter
timmy:poppin' this thing back
jimmy:werk *throws five bucks*
not a lie, no cap, that go hard
yo no back jit was rockin that fire yesterday
One who has reached the higest volume of weak ass pussy.
Scaredy cat who ain’t gon git lest y’all tell him he’s a bitch
Wow, what has made you turn into such a baby back bitch? It’s not even scary. !
A person who's a pussy, complains about 99% of everything, and is overall a person that lets others assert dominance over them.
That dude Spann is such a baby back bitch. Everybody makes him tap, even a female.