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Life of Kibbie

This definition is predicated upon by the term Life of Riley. The Life of Kibbie is a more evolved state of the Life of Riley. The evolution is: an individual who lives the life that everyone around them wants to; but for one reason or another the jealous party cannot live this life, usually a job or "real world" responsibilities are holding them back. This is a balance that one has to achieve over time, usually after their 40th birthday. This is a keystone in the compliment world.

Deaner: Yo Bob what are you up to tonight?
Bob: I am going go see Terry, he is back in town from his travels around the world.
Deaner: Did you hear Terry just got a new motorcycle in August and traveled to Chili to ski and surf?
Bob: Man oh man, does that guy live the Life of Kibbie or what?
Deaner: Yes Bob he certainly does.

by knulle faen October 18, 2010

fug ma life

yea you could fug ya life

amogus: fug ma life
Among us (not drip): why the hecc
amogus: cuz i am sus

by Sus boi yes im susy December 13, 2021

life in the old dog

I am old but full of life, or I try to be

You are too old. Yes I know but there is still life in the old dog yet

by Felanko July 9, 2018

“I appreciate the little things in life.”

Code for pedophiles.
(Something you usually see online, commonly found in bios)

(Online setting)
thing 1: “i appreciate the little things in life.” 😉
thing 2: wat..

by gUygal!🍔🐾 June 7, 2022

pretty pro-life

The act of supporting abortion laws that others must follow, but not you.

Despite the clinic's compassion, they were "unable to give any answers to help my medical situation. In my case, it was unhelpful and slowed my progress for actual care," Farmer said. Farmer describes herself as "pretty pro-life" and Christian. She then did something she never thought she would do: Begin looking for abortion clinics.

by Boo-e-bear November 15, 2023

Your life is out

Your life is trash or you just dont have one

My cousin: Bro i play madden all day im a god
Me: " Your life is out" kid

by Magic maark March 1, 2020

max's life

max jumps in his ride and then drive to friend girls house , maki taki get all girls . he clappy tappys them all he makes make them his mate. maki taki is a alpha male

hhas your life ever felt like max's life

by Liamy boiii December 19, 2021