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Nicholas is perfect

Wow look at nicholas!

by Nickflixx November 23, 2021


A very hot furry who will steal all the chubby hot Indian kids UwU

Grr that Nicholas stole sonny for himself

by Doctorgamernick November 10, 2019


Nicholas is what you name a baby when you know its gonna grow up to crush so much pussy and always have his shirt pulled up, showing off his wicked bod and glorious starbs.

There goes Nicholas again, breaking hearts. PUT YOUR SHIRT ON NICHOLAS!

by MickNoore May 19, 2019


An epic gamer with the largest fucking cock you'd ever dang dun seen. his nuts are fucking huge, massive as all hell. i would fuck a man named nicholas and that'd be gay but i dont care his nuts are so big they could give me an orgasm if he simply put them in my ass

hot girl : ayo is that nicholas
other girl : yes i would love for him to stick his balls inside my pussy as i tighten and pop them

by NicholasBigDIck September 22, 2021


I will never eat your Pop-Tarts. That is a personal guarantee.
- Nicholas

girl: Jacob ate my Pop-Tarts. I'm so sad.
Boy: Get yourself a Nicholas.

by Nicholas, eater of small child June 21, 2023


Nicholas, who also goes by Nick, is a kind, smart, handsome boy who will make you smile no matter what. He is easily annoyed but still will be your friend no matter what. He loves music and dramatic arts. He plays piano but more importantly, the guitar. He gets all the ladies in his Prius and cares about the environment. He loves anime and isn't afraid to show it. He is loved by all his friends.

Nicholas, despite hating being called that, is a great person and everyone loves him.

"Nicholas is a great person and so talented."

by YeetusThatCletus February 25, 2019


Piece of Reese’s puffs

Nicholas is a major dollar bag alert!

by $&))hg February 26, 2022