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5* stunna

A person who is gangsta beyond all imaginable belief. Usually rocks Gucci handkerchiefs and has Louis Vuitton carpets in the hallway. A playa, with unlimited amount of flair, style, cash and credit card rating. 5 million in 5 minutes is no problem.

Rick Ross, he a 5* stunna.

by RockTurboman August 10, 2015

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Article 5

The big red button in the Polish PM's office, ready to be pressed at a moment's notice when a Russian soldier farts over the border

-Sir! A Russian soldier has accidentally pissed over the border!
-Very well, initiate article 5
-Are you sure sir? Once the genie is out of the bottle, we can't put him back in.
*Tanc a lelek starts playing*

by Radialsnow October 31, 2022

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5 and drive

A British saying when you’re at the pub :

β€˜Haven’t you drank too much to drive us all home?’

β€˜Nah mate, it’s 5 and drive - remember?’

β€˜Oh yeah! My mistake’

by fucktardtranslations June 5, 2020

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5 or 10

When a girl says she is going to be gone for either 5 or 10 minutes, and you can't decide whether you have time to crank one off or not.

Girl: Hey babe, ima run next door. I'll be back in 5 or 10

Man: Damnit, Which is it gonna be?

by DaisyCutterz November 22, 2011

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October 5

October 5 is for you to go up to your crush and gold there hand

Your crush:hi-
You:*grabs hand*
*Holding hand*
You:holds crauh hand
Your crush:it's October 5?

by Frycruarymustpotato October 2, 2021

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8 to 5

In marching band, 8 to 5 (or 22.5 inches) is the standard step size used. 8 steps to 5 yards.

For the parade, we will all be marching 8 to 5 to help keep uniformity among the band.

by Crazy Band Geek April 13, 2009

44πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

february 5

National Lick A Pussy Day

person 1:hey what the hell are you doing

person 2: *stops licking cat and looks at person 1* . Its february 5.

person 1: so ?

person 2: national lick a pussy day . you should too

by hornyjaehyun October 16, 2019

52πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž