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cactus or 🌵

whenever an incident occurs which is weirdly funny you say cactus or use the cactus emoji

person 1: Sarah tripped over the charger yesterday
person 2: "lmao that's cactus or 🌵 "

by newtrendinfo January 16, 2021

cactus sydrome

a term for getting boners excessively

damn i got cactus sydrome when i look at jane

by EyIAmCoolGuy3 July 30, 2020

slippery little moose cactus

A term meant for hedgehogs or percupines. Small moose covered in spikes. Like a cactus.

Look at that slippery little moose cactus over there. He’s finna prick someone in the ass.

by Jackassmuthafucka03 November 3, 2017

Watermelon Cactus

A name for a band that I wanted in 5th grade but none of my friends liked it so then I got mad at them. I immediately forgave them, but it is the reason that I left the band. It wasn't serious though. I was a dumb kid.

Me: Can we have the band called Watermelon Cactus?
Friends: That sucks, no!

by skulls_n_roses November 18, 2020

Portuguese Cactus

The act of sitting your vagina slowly onto a cactus and then pouring lemon juice into the open wounds

My favourite torture method it the Portuguese cactus

by YellowNiqqa March 4, 2017

Sand on a cactus

A phrase used to describe how drunk you feel when you've done something wrong.

"I feel like sand on a cactus this morning" roughly translates to "I feel like a rough prick."

by GodfreyYerfdog May 11, 2023

spineless cactus

A spineless cactus is a trem that means dick/cock

That is a big spineless cactus!
That man is being a huge spineless cactus

by Oogaboogalicker August 20, 2023