1.Playing candy crush saga for a noticable amount of time
2. Preforming well in the game with the receiving of a high score or large combo
1. Russell told Kayla she was candy-crushing for an hour straight.
2. RJ shouted, "candy-crushing" as he was performing well in Candy Crush saga.
When someone has a secret crush on you
Im sure that Jack has a cryfo-crush on me but he's shy enough to express his feelings
When you love someone really really much and you feel the warm fuzzy feeling inside, you would spend your life with them and never harm their feelings or take their happiness but then, they betray you(you know what they did and it's different for us all), you develop a feeling of hate for yourself and the anger robb your mind of all the good feelings then transforms them, change them into something else, now stabbing you like sharp knives and only the pain cloud your mind, corrupting your thoughts, this will continue until all your love dripped out on the floor your crying apon and then your own demons wil crush your heart to squeeze it all out , your left feeling empty, cold, heartless, all your feelings gone with no way to ever feel the same again, you'll spend hours, days searching for love or an ounce of a feeling that resembles it and won't find a thing, everytime the person that betrayed you is close you'll feel hate, anger, sadness, regret, pain, which will be the only warm feeling you experience for as long as your empty, cold, crushed heart beats on. A crushed heart has been beaten and consumed by the evil shadows and stalks the feelings of happiness, joy, trust and love only to hate them for doing this to him.
Chlo you killed my emotion now I have a crushed heart💔
(n.) A person one sees at an airport or really any other place in public that they find quite attractive, but due to the brief nature of their stay at the public place (hence the 'airport' part) are unable to act on their attraction and get to know the person.
Dude, I just saw, like, the cutest airport crush I've ever had at the post office today.
A phrase describing when you like, admire, or find someone attractive for their high achievements; not necessarily romantic, but can be.
Person 1: I can't tell if I like this guy or if I just think he's super accomplished!
Person 2: That's a total respect crush.
Tina Fey's so funny and smart; I have a huge respect crush on her!
Someone(s)you have over the summer(not a classmate that school year)once summers over or you go back to school their not a summer crush anymore their just a crush.
I’ve had so many summer crushes this summer
Crushed Rhino is the act of, mashing your genitalia against a clear piece of glass. Giving the illusion of a rhinos face.
Ghoutty walked out of his room only to see his friend had mashed his cock and balls to the clear glass of a fire extinguisher holder, he replied "that looks like a crushed rhino" his friend then called him a fag for looking at his junk.