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sausage jockey

GayLord of the length

male interior designers are sausage jockeys

by manjacket May 30, 2006

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Carrot jockey

A woman who masturbates with a carrot.

That carrot jockey died when she shoved a carrot up her twat from internal bleeding

by cityStatic April 3, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

cock jockey

a dirty cock riding male

see darius khambata
tom vanner
dan brown
james carr

by Anonymous April 9, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

knob jockey

one who likes a big knob up their anus.

David f takes hard knob up the anus he is a knob jockey

by robert f June 2, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shock Jockey

Sex position in which the woman is riding the guy, hence jockey, and when the guy is about to cum, the woman tazed him. The electrical current caused by the tazer should then cause the load to shoot back up through the penal canal, body cavity, esophagus, and out of the guy's mouth in to his receiving partner's mouth; down her esophagus, through her body cavity, and out of her vaginal canal back out onto the head of the guy's penis.

Bro 1- my girl totally tazed me in the taint and gave us a shock jockey!

Bro 2- ah shit did it tingle?

by MagicAvenger May 28, 2014

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

bean jockey

A coffee-bar barista, or waitron, serving coffee for the regular caffiend and 'foams' for foamers.

Bean Jockey is one gender-neutral definition for waiters. Other interesting defs that's been coined lately is dub-dubs: Waiter/ Waitresses or w/ws.

by hammer---;, hytham May 2, 2007

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Diesel Jockey

One who fills their petrol powered car with a more dirty and less refined fuel - namely diesel.

Effects are known to kill car if not already dead. It makes your car badly beaten, scratched and has go faster stripes hanging off and a Jesus sticker on the back.

'Glid the Diesel' would approve of this method of propulsion as it's eco-friendly effects are stopping the engine from working completely.

Conversion costs:

1 tank diesel ยฃ40
AA membership ยฃ50 per year
Repair work to engine ยฃ100
1 tank petrol ยฃ40
Total ยฃ230

The mechanics are happy with this work as it keeps them in business.

My name is Joe - I have a pertol car. I think I'll fill it with diesel. That makes me a Diesel Jockey

by Carlos the Diesel June 24, 2004

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