Sophie and Mitchell are a pair of two who are scared to admit how they feel.
Sophie fears her desire for Mitchell aren’t fate at all, but rather a phase that’s lasted (lasting) for years.
Mitchell is shy about his feelings and scared to let them show. Possibly feels a sort of fear towards something serious with Sophie, possibly from a bad past relationship and purely intimidated.
You may call every night and talk at school. Everyone else knows you like each other, but you don’t know you both like each other.
Both are the pair you ship in a T.V. Show that don’t get together until the finale. It’s fate for the both of you. Just let it happen. Open up to each other, it’ll be alright.
Sophie and Mitchell example
Person 1: “you know so much about him already, you’re practically dating”
Sophie: “But I’m scared he’s gonna deny me, plus he’s going through a tough time”
Person 2: “Why don’t you get together. Admit how you feel”
Mitchell: “I can’t right now. Not until I know she likes me back”
Sophie harris, a new sexual trend where performing oral sex has never been so extreme. when the man is about to cum he quickly grabs a hammer and smashed the woman’s teeth in and then spunking where the teeth were. This is named after the woman who performed the sexual act. Only Sophie harris has ever performed this as she is a massive slag.
What a slag she performed the Sophie harris
The best person you will ever see in your life ,
Just her name is enough to put a smile the face ,
Most caring and kind person ,
Only lucky people get the chance to become friend of her ,
And if u know her treat her like a princess <3
Princess sophie
Sophie alzeiden
sophie is hot (and very gay). Sophie has a gf (gf = charlei)
Charlei loves Sophie J because they are hot
Someone who loves to indulge in doobing and radioheading
Loves a bag of quavers on her walks home after a sesh
Someone who is quite funny and genuine
That’s it that’s Sophie lalor
Some one who loves doobing, radioheading and has immense drip and style
A genuine person who cares and is quite funny
And someone who uses bruv, bro and bruh a lot
That’s Sophie lalor
A lesbian pervert. Also, beautiful, gorgeous, funny, compassionate, understanding, patient, kind and someone whom you can be inevitably and unconditionally in love with. Eventhough that's a lie and she's a slightly too hyperactive introvert who is mentally unbalanced.
Random person: She looks like a lesbian pervert that is an introvert but is still hyperactive af!
2nd random person: Yeah it must be a Sophie Walker.
Random person: She's like kinda coolish but really annoying!
2nd random person: Agreed.