Alcoholic drink made by using Sterno (a gelled non-potable alcohol) and a loaf of bread. The Sterno is squeezed by hand to make the alcohol flow into the bread. The bread is then squeezed to extract what is thought to be drinkable intoxicating alcohol. Very dangerous and poisoned many skid-row alcoholics, often causing blindness.
Man I'm gonna have to get some Squeeze, don't have no money for nothing else and I got the ants under my skin!
Making really good food. Food that tastes so good
Omg bro that good is totally squeeze. Wow this is squeeze what’s the recipe
This involves putting your arms around your significant other and applying pressure because they are so cute and pretty. It is a feeling that comes naturally and is the best thing ever.
I just want to give you a big squeeze!
You’re looking too squeezey today
To pop a spot.
Andy had to give his spots a real tight squeeze for them to pop.
When you grab something TOO aggressively
The young nigger didn't SQUEEZE! enough
Something you can do to your gay friend if they need it
Jo:*squeeze a gay*
When a chick shits in your bed after you lose wood from a coke boner.
Dude got the bucknell squeeze at the courtyard Marriott in waupaca.