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Urban Bevk

He is Urban Bevk. He is sooo Bevk.
Bevk is he.
You must be Bevk?
In Slowene: Kva stojiΕ‘ k Bevk? Zakva si pocen k Bevk?
Dej Bevk no.

Unknown: Ej! Urban Bevk. A greΕ‘ na joint?
Bevk: a? ne ne ne ne .

by with love January 10, 2008

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Urban Hypocrisy

The propensity that Urban Dictonary has to accept words that are inside jokes and definitons naming non-celebrities, despite stating that jokes that display these aforementioned qualities will be rejected. For example; search the name Eric and click on any name that comes up. It is likely that the defintion will be of a non-celebrity and will contain numerous inside jokes.

Urban Dictionary says they reject inside jokes and definitons naming non-celebrities. But when I look at a random word, its usally an inside joke or a non celebrity! They should change the name of the site to Urban Hypocrisy!!!

by beastmode11 December 2, 2010

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urban word

a word one uses that is not an actual English defined/recognized word, but according to Urban Dictionary, is legit.

I don't understand kids these days & their lack of properly defined vocabulary... but I keep hearing each is an urban word, therefore, totally acceptable. I feel so old.

by GlazeHer June 19, 2016

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urban dictionary

An ingenious marketing ploy whereby the creators of the dictionary get written definitions from various authors via the web (which then becomes the intellectual property of the creators) who then bind them into a book entitled "Urban Dictionary" and hawk it to various publishing houses until one of them agrees to publish it and make them rich - while the various authors who contributed to the book remain poor.

The creators of the Urban Dictionary are geniuses!

by Loxi July 19, 2009

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Urban Fervor

The sequel to 'The Rural Juror' written by Kevin Grisham, as mentioned on 30 Rock.

Jenna: Did you know that before Kevin was a novelist, he worked at a recycling center?
Liz: Wow.
Jenna: And he just finished writing the sequel. It's called "Urban Fervor".
Liz: Boy these titles. They really make you think.

by fungdark August 21, 2010

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Urban Virgin

A sex act that involves a socially retarded high school age boy inventing an unfeasable and physically impossible sex act with a ridiculous name and then submitting it to the Urban Dictionary editors. He may perform this alone or with another male, but will more than likely never do it in the presence of a female. Statistics show that performing the "Urban Virgin" can cause blindness, hair growth on the palms and sterility. A recent public opinion poll revealed that 10 out of 10 females would never consider having even normal, missionary position intercourse with males who practise the "Urban Virgin".

Dude, come to my house after 6th period and we can pull some Urban Virgins. My mom just bought Hot Pockets. That reminds me. Know what an arizona hotrock is?

by No Amnesty June 5, 2007

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Urban Fucktards

The people who put definitions on Urban Dictionary that are a total wast of time, like how "Ryan is the most sexy guy on earth" or nasty sex acts that involve feces. Usually people who shouldn't have access to a computer anyway and are ruining UB for many people.

Did you see that UB definitions that was the same chick's name six or seven times and it was only about what a ho she was?

Yeah, I reject all that crap from the Urban Fucktards. Maybe Urban Dictionary will find a way to filter some of those illiterate asswipes out and leave UB to the rest of us.

by Silverlock March 30, 2009

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