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go ham

go Hard As a MotherF*cka, putting forth a lot of effort

I go ham when I'm playing ball...I give it all I got.

by nicjae June 11, 2009

2017๐Ÿ‘ 479๐Ÿ‘Ž

go between

the term "go between" or "go-between" refers to a person who is utilized by two or more people as a messenger or conduit of information despite the fact that the information does not pertain to him or her.

Go Between: Yo bitch-ass friend keeps using me as a go-between, can I get paid for dat?

Asshole: Can you tell my friend I said to kiss my ass for me, dogg?
Go Between: Hell naw!!
Asshole: You fired.
Go Between: I never got paid.

by The Friend of Da Go Between March 13, 2005

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go Fiji

An expression defining the act of meeting someone so much younger, so much hotter and so much more willing than your current wife, that in the matter of hours you decide to leave a wife of 20+ years behind. The act must also be preceded by the existence of a perfectly happy marriage that showed no signs of weakness up until the moment you "go fiji"

We were all traveling for work and my coworker disappeared for a solid two days. He met some young hottie at the bar and immediately decided to divorce the old hag he had left at home. We knew the moment he met the girl that he was about to go Fiji.

by Mach3 October 29, 2009

Go for a Liam

The act of drinking 1-9 beers before teaching students online. Usually the beverage is consumed in the hour prior to teaching a foreign language. These beers act as lubricant for your mouth. Based on our scientific study, going for a Liam can increase class engagement by 7 percent.

Liz: I have work in an hour, but I need a beer to teach this kid in China...
Danielle: I teach in an hour too, lets "Go for a Liam."
Liz: Yes, I will take two Liams on the rocks and one more for the road.

by Salz2DaWalz September 8, 2019

going stewless

To not have sex with Paul Metcalfe's mom.

Dude, I totally want to snarf Paul's mom, but I can't. I guess I'm going stewless.

by Earl from America April 25, 2019

going ey

Adverb. In addition the aforementioned definition, "Going EY" is synonymous to "super hermit mode" where an individual attempts to isolate from social interaction in an attempt to work or study at over 200% for long periods of time.

D: "I haven't seen M in awhile, where is he?"
J: "M is at home going EY because has 5 exams in 7 days"

by Shank Pants March 26, 2008

Go Bad

To go bad, means to have a bad trip.

A person having this experience is in extreme discomfort, often being sure of dying within the next moments.

This phenomenon can be caused by, but is not limited to: taking too many drugs, combining drugs, depressive thoughts.

Bad trips can be prevented: never use new drugs by yourself and moderate your drinking when you smoke weed.

If you see someone who is going bad, try to comfort them by distracting them. More often than not, this occurance is harmless and merely a thought, that the person needs to let go off.

- Dude, you smoked a lot, are you good?
- No, I think Iโ€™m going bad.

- You should stop drinking and smoking weed, you donโ€™t wanna go bad.

by The Poorest Kid February 3, 2018