1. incredibly cute animal
2. rules the world
3. very fluffy
4. is overlord
I am absolutely obsessed with hamsters
Chunky,cute,adorable little animal
Bob: CUTE RAT!!!
Jeff: it’s a hamster…
When a man shaces off his pubic hair and shapes it into a hamster then injects his seemen into and a girl eats it
Baby that saucy hamster last night was delicious
a tie with the 2nd coolest in the whole wide world
shes no izzy but shes right there with c saw so she must be a SAH hamster
Those dirty hamster smugglers have killed 3 hamsters this week
Low-wage earnings requiring you to work hard to stay in the same place
She shines on the stage at night, but during the day she's chasin' that hamster wheel wealth at Mickey D's