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laugh at minion memes

If someone says you laugh at minion memes they are basically saying you have a shit and generic sense of humor. This is usually used in a bad way and it’s a dislikable trait for most people

Becky: I don’t know if I can be friends with Jenna anymore, she just doesn’t have a sense of humor.
Melissa: Oh my God I KNOW! Jenna is definitely the type of person who would laugh at minion memes.

by Aesthetic Hoe December 1, 2019

Forced fake laugh

Forced fake laughing is done when a loser doesn't know how to react properly to something because it makes them uncomfortable but they still want to act like they are high energy and extroverted when in reality they are not.

A: You look like a child molester

B: HAHAH Im obvously not and you can tell by the very authintic laughter i had before i started/ stopped talking

A: Why are you making this so unfomfortable now. It made it so much worse for you because now im sure you are a child molester...

Forced fake laugh is so bad

by Rooney.avanches7 June 10, 2022

get the last laugh

To win a conflict, especially one that was either long winded, strong, or both.

Just you wait, freak, I will get the last laugh over you!

by an extremely depressed bandu May 18, 2023

electronic laugh track

The online/text equivalent of the tv sitcom laugh track. Used to show an intended joke, sarcasm, or that something is funny when talking via text only (i.e. online "chatting" or text messaging). Can be either in text form, as per "lol", "lmao", etc, or can be in symbol form, i.e. :P, :D,etc

"Hey Ian, you are a fantastic dancer, lol"
"are you fucking kidding me? why do you always use that E-L-T (electronic laugh track) b.s.? i get that you joking without it"

by Ian's friend November 1, 2009

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laugh haute loud

aka lhl

when you laugh at something fashion

masha: "hey did u see donna karen's new clothing lines?"
gisele: "yeah, laugh haute loud"

by Jocelyn Wildenstein June 19, 2008

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shitting myself laughing

to laugh harder than when you piss yourself laughing

that was hilarious , i was shitting myself laughing

by urbandic77 August 16, 2014

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6-pack laugh

A laugh that is so intense that you feel your ab muscles are getting stronger from it. Occurs when you are laughing very hard about something and your abs start to get sore from it.

George: Whoa man, you look ripped! Do you work out a lot?
Nathan: Nah, these muscles come from all the 6-pack laughs!

by avid brothel-go-er June 13, 2010

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