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Aristo Punk

A Youth style that embodies the fabulousness of the past, almost victorian aristocracy. Aristo Punk is a style that takes the aristocracy's fanciness and fine clothing with punk's stereotypically rude mannerisms and unconventional clothes and ideals. Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of Anthony Burgess's novel 'A Clockwork Orange' greatly influenced Aristo Punk. Especially the lead Alexander Burgess. They wear mainly luxury fabrics. And the dress must have's are:
Cane/Walking Stick
Top Hat or Bowler/Derby Hat
Bowties & dress-shirt
Patches, paint-splatter, or fake blood
And extravagant right eye make-up.
They also study fine arts..and are superfans of classical music..all Aristo Punks share a love of Beethoven (Ludwig Van), but the more true to the style Aristo's say that although Beethoven is God...it's important to have a wide varied love of composers, and fine art, the work that best represents Aristo Punk is that of Liverpool born Ged Quinn. Aristo's talk to other Aristo's in a language called Nadsat, (Russian for teenager) they study The Bible, and although they do not practice it anymore for it is illegal...they pretend to be involved in ultra violence.
Aristo punk's are also known for being cynical and careless. They also have a distaste for the authority and other punks that are reckless in every thing they do.
They also tend to call everyone by their first name excluding authority, to show rudeness.

Example of Aristo Punk speech:
Where a normal person would say (NP):
'Ah! Man, I've got a banging headache' an Aristo Punk would say (AP):
'Oh, my dear droogs (friends), I've a rather intolerable pain in the gulliver (head)'
(NP)'Hey I went to the movies, it was rockin' the film was great loads of blood everywhere!'
(AP)'Hi, Hi, Hi there, I went to the cine and the film I viddied (saw) was real horrorshow (Good) buckets of the great red kroovy everywhere in extraordinary amounts!'

(There are plenty of examples but they are just a couple)
A great way to see examples of Aristo punks is to watch/read A Clockwork Orange. The main character in particular.

The punk band every Aristo punk should like are The Adicts although they are very popular and a true Aristo punk will take pride in being fans of obscure artists.

by Chopin Soaked Aristocracy May 5, 2010

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

burger punk

the smart ass kid behind the counter who spits in cop's food and pokes holes into their soda cups

"Burger Punk......YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

by CECIL July 10, 2003

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

CM Punk

The Best in the World

Jay: Who's CM Punk?
Paul: The Best in the World.

by TheBestWrestlerintheWorld September 12, 2011

200πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

poser punk

Someone who says to be your self, yet thinks people are worse human beings for enjoying Blink 182.

See Insecure or Little Bitch

No one knows my favorite band! You like Blink 182? OMGWTFBBQ LOZL GO TO HELLz!1oneone

by Pat June 29, 2004

62πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Daft Punk

A French DJ Duo that lasted from 1993 - February 22nd, 2021 their music was a form of story. Who unfortunately split up today as I’m writing this

Person 1: β€œHey did you hear Daft Punk split up?”
Person 2: β€œYeah, I cried for 5 hours

by Fffseuegvfewuvgdure February 22, 2021

drug punk

A.) Not just music made by punk rockers who enjoy drugs, but also music that makes it very evident (in ways beside lyrics) how much said punk rockers enjoy using drugs.

B.) A practitioner of this music. Often lives a lifestyle according to this.

Flipper were only one quintessential example of a drug punk band.

by VyleKyleWillHaveHisRevenge December 29, 2010

Fool Punk

When someone commits an act which is rather dum dum, you simply call them a 'Fool Punk'

Alan: "What is the time?"
Joe: "Eh I don't know, 3 a'clock?"
Alan: "Its o'clock, you fool punk"
Joe: "Okay" *visibly sad*
Everyone: "What a fool punk!"

by Milo_Yong February 24, 2020