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City Redneck

A City Redneck is a person who lives in the city but refuses to be trapped inside an office, wearing a shirt and tie, instead, they spend their days outside, working hard or LIVING THE WAY THEY WANT TO

I am a City Redneck.

by Thereallighter21 October 1, 2018

Redneck soda

a beer disguised in a koozie so only the aluminum top shows, allowing the drinker to fool others into thinking it is a regular soda.

"Hey John, hand me another redneck soda!"

by Honey5683 August 20, 2013

Redneck Lamborghini

Dodge Viper

Look at Bill and his redneck lamborghini

by BamBam_ShoelessMan July 28, 2018

Redneck Whip

That's a long antennae that goes twangy, twangy, twangy.

Just got passed by a good old boy in an old pick 'em up truck and that boy had him a redneck whip that was whipping back and forth and around and up and down and every which way but loose, I leaned my head out the window just a bit and damned if that thing didn't' just give me the closest shave I have ever had.

by easy_star July 20, 2022

redneck walkabout

The quest for aluminum cans to be recycled for cash by the poor and disenfranchised.

"Where's Clem?"
"He's on redneck walkabout so he can afford to get mama a new spittoon for her birthday."

by benbin65 September 21, 2013

intergalactic redneckism

Casting aside all preconceived prejudices for fellow human beings to come together as a race to ban against intergalactic species. In the absence of said species, all prejudices conveniently return to the human race.

Two people are arguing at a stop light about the others road rage. An intergalactic space craft lands in the middle of the road. Suddenly, the humans ban against the outside specie and put all differences aside. These people are said to be intergalactic rednecks, or suffer from intergalactic redneckism.

by Billy Bob 75 December 2, 2007

The redneck derby

When your riding a horse and having sex doggy style while the horse is moving.

Her dad caught us doing the redneck derby.

by Waffle sex in a gingers mouth June 5, 2015