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That's all there is now

A statement from Urban Dictionary about when there is no definitions left to vote. Meaning that there are more to come! But it's something I don't like after voting.

After voting they say That's all there is now

by reesha2282 April 17, 2019

all ya'll

Southern (U. S.) expression used particularly to refer to a group of groups.

When taking a group photograph, the photographer might say:
"Ima Jean, you and ya'll short people sit on this row of chairs. Billy Bob, you and ya'll tall people stand behind the chairs. Now, all ya'll smile!"

by Ima Jean August 5, 2007

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All Wheeling

To go to or from somewhere in a Subaru.

"I'm thinking about all wheeling to your house, dude."

by John! January 18, 2005

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All Star

All star is a well known millennial song written by smash mouth

Hey now your an all star.

by LennyNoob February 1, 2017

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all wax

1. An exclamation of approval.
2. Sanguine. Used as a reassuring response. Similar in use to all good.

1. "This pumpkin-shaped candle is amazing! Seriously, it's ALL WAX!"
2. "Oh man, I'm not gonna be able to come to Amsterdam with you."
"Don't worry buddy, it's all wax. Maybe next time."

by Kathy Ermine January 29, 2006

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And Then They All Clapped

a phrase used typically after someone had told an unrealistic or unbelievable story.

1: and then I jumped off the plane, fell a thousand feet and landed perfectly in the middle of the city square just in time

2: yeah, And Then They All Clapped.

by whocaresanyway.jpg August 27, 2019

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A term used when one is going an entire night without sleeping at all. Commonly seen at a LAN party.

Dude, Mike! Let's pull an all-nighter tonight and see how long we can play UT2k4 without passing out!

by Geist May 22, 2005

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