Source Code

hana song

a 18 year old gamer girl that is trusted to a pilot of a mech due to her being the undefeated Meka Guardian V champion, but no one decides to understand who Hana actually is because they are too busy drawing pictures of her drinking mountain dew instead of what she actually drinks which is nano cola. Hana also enjoys stealing the attention of her other meka squad teammates that no one seems to care about.

Guy: hey have you heard of Seung Hwa Shi
Guy2: no, i have been too focused on Hana Song

by theMEKApilotsyoudon’tknow December 12, 2019

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suicide song

A song so good it makes you want to die

1. "Everybody needs a suicide song."

2. "Hey Charlie, what's your suicide song?"

by Obese Word October 16, 2009

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California Song

1.A love song to the state of California.

2.An overplayed and overrated song about California.
3.Any song that talks about "California Dreaming" or "Californication" etc.
4.A "fuck you" song by Chicago band Local H to California and New York

Guy 1:Hey man, have you heard the latest Red Hot Chili Pepper CD?
Guy 2: And fuck New York too.

by Mister Self Destruct May 28, 2009

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our song

be kind when you rewind the story of the two of us. sometimes you wish it was a little more mysterious. when you look at me with your syndamatic eyes, i wanna play the part, but i forget the lines... i do it all the time... i never get it right.

one day when you were playing the slideshow hero, the pictures won't show the villans and heroes. it's just me keeping time with you. butter knife's dull but it still cuts through. we never were... and we'll never be

strangers kissing in the pouring rain, chasing after your leaving train, but we know that's not how our song goes.
you're a waitress at a cocktail bar, + i'll save you kuz imma big rock star but we know that's not how our song goes, it goes like this.

the spill canvas: "our song" > taylor swift: "our song".

by purdybaker May 14, 2010

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beer song

song inspired by or about beer

merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream,

belts off trousers down isn't life a scream
beer song i want a beer bong, don't be long, mon chere

by jaffaw July 19, 2009

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Eskimo song

A song sung by Captain Pip Bernadette/Bernadotte/Vernedead in the second volume of the Hellsing manga. Lyrics are as follows:

I don't know but I've been told
Eskimo pussy is mighty cold!
Tastes good!
Mighty good!
Good for you!
Good for me!

The Eskimo song is either proof that Pip likes Seras, or is just a big pervert.

by Allison1690 September 16, 2006

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christmas songs

songs sung for christmas hence the name "christmas songs" even retards that look shit up like christmas songs should know that

my version of the christmas song "deck the halls"

Deck the halls with Gasoline!
Fa la la la la..la la la la
Light a match and watch them scream!
Fa la la la la..la la la la
Watch the world burn to ashes
Fa la la la la..la la la la
Aren't you glad I play with matches?
Fa la la la la..la la la la!

and because the example must use "christmas songs" and i only wanna put 1 christmas song here...the preceeding was created

by Patrick from Atown December 3, 2006

11πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž