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toilet ass

Whenever you have a really long crap that takes half an hour,then you get up and your ass cheeks are strechrd out and theres a big red ring around your ass.

after dinner i went for a crap and got toilet ass.

by Nunya Buisness October 13, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skibidi toilet

Some retarded shit on the internet that these faggot ass retards won't shut the ever living fuck up about.

Person 1: Skibidi toilet
Person 2: Go fuck yourself you fatherless retard!

by literal asshole September 4, 2023

79๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

toilet billiards

The rare occurance of one curling out a shit so curly and long that it's tip makes contact with the testicles.

"I swear to God, it was so long and curly I was about to clear up in a game of toilet billiards"

by Lewis1983 May 31, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Toilet Tamer

Toilet Tamers are the toilet attendants you find in Bars and Night Clubs, invariably on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. They will have an array of hair taming gels, waxes and sprays, a duty free shop worth of fragrances and a load chuba chubbs and chewing gums. They will offer you soap and towels after you wash your hands and will expect money (or if you rather, a tip) in return. If you feel tight or think a you shouldn't be bullied into not washing your hands after using the loo you can: a)use the toilet freely before 7pm, b)hold it all night c) be brave - they don't expect to be tipped if you just take soap and a towel. you only need to tip if you use one of the expensive things (gels, perfumes etc). If you want to tip, you do it like in america - once at the beginning and again at the end of the night (depending on how long you stay there!)

Go to any large night club or bar on the afore mentioned nights and meet your very own Toilet Tamer!

by Ben Suuuuuuuuunders March 17, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

toilet paper

1. A kind of paper you wipe your butt with after using the toilet
2. A decoration to put on your neighbor's house
3. The only cure for coronavirus

1. Wow, this toilet paper is so soft!
2. I toilet papered Mrs. Simpson's house yesterday.
3. Everyone's stocking up on toilet paper because of coronavirus.

by bob the brony March 16, 2020

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massive toilet

a massive loo, for a massive ass to sit on

omg wat a massive toilet over there

by conor fletcher May 22, 2009

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Toilet Noob

A person who has to take a shit ever half hour.

Bob: Wow John, you have to go to the bathroom all the time.
John: So....?
Bob: You must be a toilet Noob.

by TheWindSoldier April 21, 2010

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