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ghost johnson

A maniac with the mentality of a 15 year old teen who is so gud at the drums that he can bring back the dead.

Demon Child: I wish Grandma wasn’t dead

Ghost Johnson: Hellllllooooooooo

Demon Child: What’s up with this ad about resurrection

Ghost Johnson: I play the Drums soo gud, that I bring back the dead
Demon Child: REALLY!!!

Ghost Johnson: Time to do a drum solo

“Intense Drumming”

Ghost Johnson: Bring back grandma!
Demon Child: It’s actually working!


Ghost Johnson: No refunds

by GhostJohnson January 31, 2020


Instagram-ghosting is when you add someone on Instagram just to get them to follow you back then as soon as they do you unfollow them hoping they wont notice. People do this to gain more followers than adds and to appear popular.
Sometimes people add lists of people in bulk and unfollow them again in bulk. This usually cultivates tens of followers and likes.

It's quite rude and needy.

Instagram-Ghosting: I thought this model added me on instagram because they liked my pictures but as soon as they got my follow-back they Instagram-ghosted me.

An Instagram-Ghost followed me on instagram today.

by Beccajordanna July 17, 2017

Ghost out

Disappear/leave without notice

I ghost out so my friends can’t find me

by Lhgnkotd February 8, 2020

toast the ghost

to smoke a joint

me: yo dude, wanna toast the ghost this weekend?
dude: hell yeah man!

by joe_420 March 5, 2009

Ghost Broke

When you're so broke that your wallet haunts you

"I'm so broke, I'm ghost broke... frightening"

by XDARKVIXENX April 19, 2016


Ragged trash bags that are infinitely stuck in tree branches.

What's that in the tree behind Jamal's apartment ..oh it's just a ghetto-ghost.

by Rometti January 28, 2017

ghost pubes

The slight itching sensation in the back of your throat that occurs long after you've had oral sex with someone, particularly after performing oral sex on a woman - you've washed all the pubic hairs out of your mouth, and you're sure they're all gone, but you still swear you can feel a pubic hair somewhere in your throat.

"Dude, I totally brushed my teeth and gargled with mouthwash after I went down on Susie this morning, but I swear there's still one or two ghost pubes back there."

by Le Staboteur December 6, 2011