New means that the thing you are referring to was just made.
There would be no new without the old.
Not everybody has a need to make everything new or upgraded, and even if you hold nothing sacred, there would be no you without the old people you laugh at, try to make fun of, or talk endless shit about. You would just be the kid that once ran to your mother for first aid and attention you always were if you're one like that, and people don't change. Some of us knew you before you orked the job you work now, and before you developed your bullshit facade.
What people that didn't get enough ass whoopings from authority figures such as parents want everything to become.
He/she wants the old to move out, and the new to come in.
There's not a man in the sky to fear, but there would be no you if there were never the old people that people that hold nothing sacred try to make fun of or talk shit about.
Without the old, there would be nothing new.
The kind of person that wants to break traditions (not rules, traditions) to make a new order/new world (a new normal) to things is the kind of inventive person that wanted to walk in the water the live power line was down in after the storm, even though 50 less inventive/brave people had decided their tradition of not doing shit like that was keeping them and their family out of trouble, even if the brave and inventive one drew plenty of attention and interest when people heard about what he/she did. It wasn't that other people weren't as curious to know what an adventure into an electric environment would feel like for a few seconds, they just knew they were going to have other shit to do afterwards, and didn't have time to break the tradition along with the one adventurous one.
New is something that comes naturally over time. If you force yourself to get a new car before you really need one, you have done more than you needed to do. Change is like that, things don't need to change because someone wants things to change right now, since the things worth having are natural changes and not forced changes.
I think use it if you want to see or tell about something new