A nerdy gamer boy who gets no bitches.
That guy how sits behind me in Computer science is such a hoe
A nerdy gamer boy who gets literally no bitches.
The guy who sits behind me in computer science is such a hoe.
Slutty little girls that don't know/care anything about the music but go to shows to be "seen". Probably cause the guys are much hotter. And they're learning what's up.
a show hoe is the chick booty dancing at your local show while reppin her hannah montana attire.
A significant other that watches your guys shows without you.
“Why does it say episode watched? You fucking show hoe!”
A typical hypocritical college girl from early 21 century who's lost their morals to either acid or media influences. Therefore she obtains a psychedelic lifestyle of manipulating men into her or their eccentric needs.
That Acid Hoe had a sexual realtionship with my best friend. Why did I fall for that?
When ever a boy/girl talkin shii behind yo back and looks at chu retardedly abd is a bitch.
"Bernise is a hoe ass bitch😧👏"