What you say when something unlucky happens to you.
Stefan: "My bitch cheated on me last night."
Zach: This do be a yeez nuts moment."
A saying used to describe someone or something who is fun or just awesome, much like a pair of testicles is. But also very....very sensitive.
"Do you know Elena?"
"Yeah! She's lit as nuts! I heard she kicked Gregory right in his testicles!"
"Ouch! Sucks for him!"
To have a great day and enjoy yourself.
Hi, how are you?
Oh you know, imma lose my nut
petty cash as spending money, especially the allowance some parents give their children
boy: my computer illiterate, please give me my chump nuts for the week that I am entitled to.
dad: go back to your cave Jason. And I don't want to talk to you until you improve your vocabulary.
New-found slang to refer to semen. Other examples may include: Love nectar, dick juice, love honey, and cum.
It was masterfully created to fit both serious and comedic scenarios. If you’re trying to hide naughty words in front of children, you may use this as a substitute, AND if you’re just using this as a playful or ironic go between with you and your friends it also works well.
This pun is a play off of “coconut milk,” but instead places emphasis on the “nut” to add sexual implication.
“K-kyaaa Keith-kun~ what is this sticky mess coming out of my ochinchin??” “It’s... uh... coco-nut milk ewe”
“Haha! Yeah dude, she was totally sucking up my coco-nut milk like she was had a thirst from hell.”
(Child present in room) “And so yeah! I was totally going at it and then his... coco-nut milk got everywhere.”
To get satisfaction from a particularly violent sneeze
Didn't think it was gonna happen there, but thankfully the sun helped me bust a nose nut
a bitch that crack a nut and flood it out of your dick for his or her own pleasure
damn you a nasty bitch, you ate my ass and sucked all my nut out in one sitting like a good hungry hippo bitch.
once you chew on my nipples and and snatch my 3rd nut out, imma make you my nut bussa.