Source Code

ling ching wing

chinese racial insult

Come here u ling ching wing

by BTS DOG EAATER November 14, 2022

1👍 1👎

Ching Han

The name of an epic gamer.

Might be a Mario superfan.
A good friend who likes to prank people occasionally, to varying degrees of success.

"Hey! Y'know that guy who beat the original Mario in 10 minutes? He was such a Ching Han!"

by PoeticallyIncorrect February 16, 2021

Ching chang

Knife, shank,etc

Don’t let me whip back out my Ching chang

by Mike2trap November 13, 2022

Zingy Ching Chong

A wack ass Asian kid from the sewage that the ninja turtles came from and he can’t see through his eyes cus they’re as small as his dic-... he’s pretty short but he’s a good friend.

“Zingy Ching Chong? Where is he? I can’t see him... ohhh he’s right next to me.”

by Yung MC November 29, 2019

skippitydop Ching Chong

this word is 'Hello' in Chinese.

"skippitydop Ching Chong who are you."

by not a 40 yr old man. April 16, 2023

ka-ching ca-khing

Onomatopoeic expression denoting an expected cash windfall.


BMI cholecystectomy with chlolodochoduodenostomy? What does that even mean Kara?

Ka-ching ca-khing!

by gnostic3 February 1, 2020


Another word for a dimpled chin.

Have you seen Timothy Dalton’s chin, check out his chinge?

by Chingeboy August 21, 2024