The sexiest man alive, he can get any girl he want and make them orgasm in seconds. He is so sexier than Carl B. Adrian is a sexgod with a Hugo penis
Wow What a Sexy Guy, he must be Adrian Forsberg!
The star hockey player formerly on the hurricanes now on the Loyola hockey team. His brother louis barbes would have a much funnier name if his name was Louie g. His middle name is Lorenzo forming the perfect name Adrian Lorenzo barbes. He was diagnosed with an astigmatism 3 minutes after he was born. Some say in the middle of the night you can hear the laugh of Adrian lorenzo barbes rattling in your head.
XXL oh my god its so big when he walks into the room there is new gravity from the shear size of it.
A person who has his head shaped as an pineapple.
Hey Christoffer Adrian! Shut the fuck up you ugly pineapple head!
Gay Adrian is a gay man that swears he isn’t and says a lot of gay jokes and somehow still has a girlfriend
Gay Adrian:”I’m not gay I swear”
His friends:”you just said you’ll suck it for $20”
A major pussy who is the basic embodiment of autism, the type of guy to think shrek is love shrek is life is still funny in 2018. Someone you should not approach unless the only thing you wanna taste is the cold barrel of your grandfathers shotgun in your mouth.
You think big shaq is still funny? Youre such a Mitch Adrian Devries
A slay queen, goddess, and material gworl
He slays everyday of his life heheheheee