Alice is a badass fitgirl who ride an old purple bike. She is incredibly good in bed and if you sleep with her you will believe she is flying as an angel (or devil). Every Canadian fight for her but she prefers Baudelaire (saying with a British accent).
Look at this flyer, it’s a bird, it’s a place, no ! It’s Alice !
Person who is bald head to toe and lives in a scalp
Wow, Alice has such a shiny head! I wish she would stop biting me :(
Strong and bold girl, always trying to fit in. People don't recognize her talents and abilities. True friends will always be by her side and there fade away. She'll always make you smile and will never leave your side. Keep her close or else you'll lose her forever
Alice is one in millions!
a girl who might hide her feelings and only show the world her fake smile
well, i hope you will never be an alice
Alice is a very a very special girl.
She’s flat in every way yet too thicc for you. If she loves you she’ll always be there for you. Though if she doesn’t take her pill she’ll go crazy and whoop your ass. She has no patience. If she’s giving you the restless bitch face either she’s hates you or loves you there’s no in between and no way to tell.
She’s an devil in disguise, well no she looks like one too.
Guy 1: Did you that crazy girl over there
Guy 2: Yeah she’s an Alice but she’s too thicc for you boi.
Alice’s tend to be very good at putting on a mask for others and pretending like everything’s fine when it’s not. however she’s also very stubborn and SHES GAYY. Or a little fruity and a very loyal friend.
“Did alice burn the popcorn AGAIN?”
“Yeah, she burns everything including UR MOM.”