The five-fifty (550) Arm Crush is when a bottle, cup, can, anything you can drink from is placed on a bicep with the support of the forearm and the elbow pit and curled towards his/her mouth for drinking purposes.
The 550 Arm Crush has been around for more than a decade. Our motto is Crush It Everywhere and Anywhere. Keep those Elbows Up, folks. Like the mullet and the el camino before that, the 550 Arm Crush is a sign of someone looking to Get. After. It. You can "chug" a drink, but everyone knows it's better to CRUSH one and to also CRUSH life day in and day out.
I want to Crush this, that, him, her or the other thing so I Arm Crushed my drink and promptly took care of business.
My defensive move in beer pong is the 550 Arm Crush. Even if they hit the final cup your opponents will be so impressed that they will give you the W.
Some say 550 is a way of life. I don’t trust those people… and I also don’t trust anyone with two first names or, as Coach Bobby Finstock would say, “any woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body”. However, 550 is a way of absolutely crushin’ it when necessary. You just found $20 in your jeans from 3 weeks ago? Awesome? Yes. But also 550. That smoking hot girl at the end of the bar just gave you her death stare? Well, that sucks. But that baboon fart you left for her is definitely 550. Your hometown team just won after a 28 year drought? 550. It’s solid, great, super, domination, sick…etc…all rolled up into one. It’s a response to almost anything which makes zero sense, but somehow works. Like 550 the Arm Crush has been a staple among this group for over a decade now. If you are looking to crush it one night or every night go with the 550 mindset and everything will be Easy.
A crush obtained on one of your chat buddies on gchat. This is most likely a person you have not had much contact with in real life but get to know online only. Online conversations with a chat crush can lead to cross chat crushing on email, facebook , or twitter as well.
Girl1: Oh my gah, have you talked to that Jerry guy lately?
Girl2: Umm, No way! I met this guy on Gchat and he is totally my new chat crush.
When you are so obsessed with someone you can consider no one but her/him even though you are not in a relationship with each other
"sag" is a Persian word for dog and it's often used for putting emphasis on something
I have a sag crush on someone, but her expectations are so high she won't even consider me.
-So you have a crush on her, right? -No bro, it's not just any ordinary crush; its sag crush.
An attraction that one has to a fictional character. Usually comes from a cartoon or video game.
Back in the day, many guys had a cartoon crush on Betty Boop. But these days, it's all about Tracer from Overwatch or Hatsune Miku.
A strong and extremely complicated positive emotion that a straight male feels towards another male. It is by no means homosexual, although it could possibly involve some degree of sexual attraction. This is not the type of sexual attraction that one would actually pursue; it is merely a complex sort of desire out of "fantasy" that is driven by jealousy and/or great admiration.
A 'man crush' can basically be described as not a homosexual lust, but a human lust.
You know that one football player who's a senior with the perfect skin, the perfect smile, the dark short hair, the soothing voice, the easygoing and fun attitude, and the perfectly tan and fit and muscular body that has all the girls on campus going crazy? I mean, c'mon, what guy DOESN'T have a man crush on him? He's perfect... It's so unfair... LOL
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When you want to hang with your friends but their choice of activity crushes your desire to be social and makes you lonely or blue.
I was invited over to Curtis and Evan's to watch a movie, but upon hearing that they were watching a mediocre surfer movie from 2002, I was struck with a blue crush.
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When a person has a completely nonsexual crush on someone else.
Symptoms may include, but are not limited to:
1. Thinking about holding that persons hand and nothing more
2. Looking at the subject of the kid-crush
3. Thinking about the person in general
Larry had a kid-crush on a girl at his work.
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