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Deven Denny

A kid who lost almost 100 bucks betting on croatia just to see Argentina win the World Cup.

"Argentina won 3-0, I wonder how Deven Denny is feeling right now."

by Adolf rizzler 1942 December 19, 2022

Layla Ann Grace Dennis

complete and utter crackhead. useless with really bad breath.

Layla Ann Grace Dennis is UH OH STINKY

by dingalingadingdong123 October 27, 2019

Dennis lutz

M Dennis, Pennis , Ennis, Tennis,


Dennis Lutz ist eine Person die jemanden an seinen Eiern braucht um die warm zu halten er liebt es wenn man 100 falschen in seine intime Zone rein schiebt Dennis braucht einen Ennis

by Zwei Kilo Eier November 21, 2021

Dennis Appointment

When you knock off work early to go have beers with your friend Dennis.

Jeff is leaving a little early for his Dennis appointment.

by Deisel323 April 20, 2023

Denny whore

A whore in the back of a dennys

Person 1: yo I got a sick blow job from a Denny whore
Person 2: what’s a Denny whore?
Person 1: man it’s a whore in the back of dennys parking lot

by Temen420 December 13, 2021

Dennis Schröder

NBA player who has been passed around team to team

“That girl been with the whole team we call her Dennis Schröder”

by Dido677 February 8, 2025

Dennis Schröder

NBA player who has been passed around team to team

That girl been with every body we call her Dennis Schröder”

by Dido677 February 8, 2025