A Type Of Art Based On The 1994 Disney Film, “The Lion King.” It Is A Piece Of S***.
“Billy, Atleast I Don’t Make Lion King Porn Like You. Thats Why Your Dad Left.”
Its a very amazing person witch looks awesome.His dig is bigger than mount everest and if he like he can bang everybody.He looks so cute some people die when they see him.
Chuck norris is cool, but a lion Kamper is much cooler.
Means to commit multiple air balls.
Based on a NBA 2k created player, who plays for the Las Vegas Hypes team.
We lost the game because he air lioned the freethrows.
What you tattoo on your own back so people know not to mess with you. WARNING: Could be mistaken for a butt with a wig playing the oboe.
Person 1: That's a lion with a baseball bat
Person 2: Kinda looks like a butt with a wig playing the oboe.
The hair you have after giving oral sex under a blanket.
Her lions maine is crazy after I'm done.
Famous last words of Jubal Arkansaw Dummann. Also where the name of the famous snack "Jeez-Its" come from.
Dummann also coined "Are you nuts?" Which then led to Planters.
F in the chat for Jubal Arkansaw Dummann bro.
"The Jeez, It's a lion" man had the IQ score of a rock but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
The volcano just erupted but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I'm going to get sued by Kellogg but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I'm about to be beheaded via guillotine but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
My house was just raided by the FBI but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I have been sent back in time to the stone age and cavemen are beating me up with clubs but hey at least they aren't taking away my Jeez-Its
My house literally fell apart but at least I still have my Jeez-Its
I have ran out of Jeez-Its.
Now I have no meaning.
Jeez-Its: The Snack That Pays.
When a woman who is fat and distrusting girgles, at the end of oral, like a sea lion regurgitating a rotten fish.
I was sleeping with this old bitch in Florida that would sea lion gurgle every nite. Candy was her name and she was hoe AF.