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A man who worships a girl who doesn’t like him back. Another word for a man whore

That kid Evan is mad Simpin

by Kobe’s helicopter January 31, 2020


A man who leaves all his boys behind for a bunch of hoes who think they’re tik tok queens. Normally named Cole but names vary and normally has a 3 inch peter

Cole you fucking simp, you left the boys for these tik tok hoes.”

by Daddyjake14 March 3, 2020


the biggest bitch nigga of them all who ditches the boys to talk to the ladies or the misses

you’re such a simp

by billwogsby January 31, 2020


A man who would die for a woman, even if that woman does not like him back.

Boy 1: Hey, I met this girl and went out, insisting I pay-
Boy 2: SIMP!
Everyone: OOOH!

by GoldyGamerFaz April 15, 2020


Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them. Translation? The word simp is meant to troll young men for doing anything for a girl to get some action he supposedly deserves.

Nick is a fucking simp

by Simphater42069 August 20, 2020


A term created by the Orcs of the internet to compensate for the fact that they can’t comprehend what being loved feels like

Jim: “Jesus, Mark is such a fucking simp

Bob: “Where are your parents?”

by cryena August 6, 2020


•A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.

•A man that puts too much value on a female for no reason .

•A man that prides himself with "Chivalry" in hopes of getting sexual gratification form women .

James Smith Is a simp

by James Smaggasgale February 21, 2020