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Keg Weed

A substance, located in urban northwest communities, known to get you both high and drunk at the same instance of consumption.

Hey, Kyle, you got any keg weed? I am interested in getting both high and drunk at the same time.

by Kirk Blade October 31, 2006

56πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Weed or Speed

A question that needs to be asked to determine the rate at which a particular task will be accomplished. Regardless of the reply, the task will be fucked up.

When hiring a person to do work for you that has a questionable look or intelligence about them, always ask: "Hey man, you on Weed or Speed?"

by 30 Ware April 28, 2006

43πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

boof weed

Shitty ass weed sold to dumbasses who dont know any better.

"This weed sucks ass i think ive been boofed"
"shit i have a headache I think this is some boof ass weed"
"Are you sure this isnt boof weed"

by Bluedream420420 November 29, 2018

121πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Frankenstein Weed

A new strain of Cannabis Sativa which, after smoking, makes you walk like Frankenstein, i.e., lock-kneed, arms out in front, moaning... basically, the desired effect.

Yo, that cat can't even walk down the STREET.
Shit, he just took two hits of Frankenstein weed. He's lucky he could even get UP.

by pyrolorde1 March 6, 2011

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

gobstopper weed

(Noun.) - Particular strands of cannabis that are plagued by their moist buds that decrease in quantity when put through grinders and burn forever in blunts or bowls .

Pablo: We've got ten people and only enough bud for 1 bowl pack in the cobra.
George: Don't worry we got that gobstopper weed
Diego: Brilliant.

by Federal Inmate Number 19225004 March 12, 2008

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tumble Weeding

In the same family as ghosting and breadcrumbing, tumble weeding is when a person you have been dating low key starts to blow away and disengage from the relationship. They still respond to texts but don’t really give you anything to work with until there’s nothing left for you to say, you just have to let them fade off into the distance.

Mia: Lex, this guy is totally tumble weeding me, he only just replied to my text from two days ago and all he said was β€˜haha yeah lol’
Lex: oh babe, yea you got totes tumble weeded

by Tumbleweedchic July 11, 2019

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

muh weed

A term referring to a subclass of left Libertarians. Term denotes their single-minded support for drug legalization. Muh weed libertarians are either too stoned to consider, or willfully ignore, the property rights principles forming the core of libertarian philosophy.

Can be hear proclaiming β€œDuuuuuuude, Gary Johnson!”

Looking up from Reason magazine, Brad proclaimed , β€œGovernment imposed social justice is fine, as long as they don’t mess with muh weed.”

by Paleorothbard January 11, 2018

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