When you put a power screw driver up ones anus and jerk them off simultaneously
Pacheco was trying to twitter twirl me on the beach last night.
Someone basically raised by the internet that gets all of their opinions from Twitter, Reddit, etc.
Make sure you never post anything slightly offensive otherwise some Twitter baby will find it and rally the internet to cancel you!
A woke person that isn't simply "woke", they also hate all non-woke people such as; Straight People, White Men, Anybody that doesn't use Twitter, Etc. Etc.
Person 1: Did you hear that Sarah is so Twitter-Woke?
Person 2: On God, yesterday she tweeted "#killallmen"
A twat on twitter that should never tweet.
Trump, that twitter-twat really needs to stop tweeting...
The place you go to when authority/institutions fail you and you need to air your grievances and need the public’s assistance to address your concerns and/or execute your demand.
“I’m gonna take this to Twitter court.”
“See you in Twitter court, bitch!”
Lara: omg, Spirit Airlines just charged me for a seatbelt add on and they won’t refund my order.
Saj: wtf?! Girl take that to Twitter court, they’ll take care of it!
The act of creating a mob on Twitter by tagging a multiple people in a post. The purposes of a Twitter Orgy is typically to get those tagged to respond to your post.
It is akin to a person IRL muttering to themselves loudly in public with the hopes of people hearing them and engaging with them.
It is a cheap form of attempting to engage people.
@Mary was looking for people to gang up on @Steve, so she started a Twitter Orgy and tagged half of the school in her post about him.
When Cheryl's fans go crazy by tweeting #MTVEMA #NominateCheryl to vote for her EMA, so we get out in twitter jail/prison for a period of time. Dedication = consequences, but do us all a favour, go and tweet it for us, thankyall
Soldier 1 : hey can you tweet extra I'm in twitter jail
Soldier 2 : will do haha
Soldier 3 : me too I'm in twitter prison aswell