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Dinosaur Nuggets

Nothing can beat the feeling when your rough tongue touching the crispy edges of the nugget. This feeling is unique and nothing get beat it, its taste is nothing anything can beat. Their shape, waists, eyes, legs and neck are so sexy it makes me aroused. I would honestly marry dinosaur nuggets but it won't be legal, everyone loves dino nuggets. I feel aroused and sexual around dinosaur nuggets, as if they bring an aura and emotion out of me and present it to the whole world like, it's some sort of new 'expensive' supreme shirt they bought off wish for like, $4 dollars. For a summary, Dino nuggets are a legend and a blessing at the same time, if dino nuggets were a human. They would be like Elon Musk.

Mother: *Walks into room* "What are you doing?!"

Y/n: "Jacking off to Dinosaur Nuggets-"

Mother: "What is Dinosaur Nuggets?"

Y/n: "It's a sexy food that is nice and crispy"

by Yourmotherthatssecretlydad April 1, 2022

robot cat dinosaur

bi farr da most DaNk-a-licious animal in the history of the planet splugeburger.

eh...robot cat dinosaur.

by jayden nelson420 August 15, 2017

Dinosauric Perspective

When a person or persons perspective is archaic and obsolete and antiquated!

Man, the President, has Dinosauric perspective!

by Pilates girl March 4, 2021

Year of the Dinosaur

2010: Year of the Dinosaur. Why? Because they are incredibly awesome and totally still alive in our hearts. Dinosaurs preach peace, love and happiness.

Molly: "Rawr"
Mckay: "wtf?"
Molly: "It's the Year of the Dinosaur"
McKay: "Omg Rawr x Infinity"

by Baby Girl EB May 3, 2010

Vinyl Dinosaur

Vinyl Dinosaur. Usually music collectors or DJ's that frown upon other people that did follow format evolution into the modern era. Highly protective of their falsely perceived credibility of owning that one illustrious copy of a record most folk are really not arsed about because nobody ever heard anyway because some obscure vinyl only label from the North East of England only pressed ten lacquers to "keep things underground". Vinyl dinosaurs are not willing to share music, titles, artists or any info out of fear of losing their credibility. The biggest threat to a VD and something which can cause immediate outrage is a repress. Don't be anywhere near a vinyl dinosaur as there will potentially be blood due to exploding heads and hurt egos.

Look at that vinyl dinosaur doing his back in with his two crates of records.

The vinyl dinosaur was hugely offended when asked if he owned CDJ's.

by TheIncredibleMong April 30, 2019

Dubstep And Dinosaurs

One of the most epic combinations known to man. You have those two things, you’re in for a great time!

Matt: “you know what would go great with this dubstep?”
George: “what?”
Matt: “dinosaurs”
George: “hm, dubstep and dinosaurs.”

by GD Velocity March 26, 2020


Something which is not in existence anymore.

True love is Dinosaured now.

by OmegaSan March 9, 2023