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Forest Gump Disorder

Forest Gump disorder is condition that one goings into after being left by there sexual partner.

Forest Gump disorder is a condition in which a newly found single individual feels the need to continuously work on the cardiovascular exercises I.e running/ jogging.
This condition predominantly has it's effects on males but females can also be a victim of this disorder.

Kofi : why am I always seeing that boy yaw on the treadmill now a days?

Mensah: I am not to sure youno I think he broke up with he's girl

Kofi: oh oh yeah that makes sense he got that "Forest Gump Disorder"

by Kwame the poet June 7, 2014

Jae Personality Disorder

A disorder discovered by Jazmin Ann Mary Jae Bae Langley Soryu De Souza which is similar to Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), a mental disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships.
Similar to BPD, JPD has erratic behavior such as selfharm, mood swings, highs and lows, narcissistic and gay episodes, delusions, hallucinations, drugs, and obsessions.

If experiencing symptoms of JPD please let your professional therapist or psychiatrist know. JPD is dangerous and can result in permanent brain damage πŸ€“β˜οΈ

β€œomg you have Jae Personality Disorder … you’re so hot.”

by jaenalbeadfan123 January 14, 2023

boredomline personality disorder

A supposedly-unavoidable mental/emotional condition wherein the "sufferer" cannot speak civilly, remain calm, or otherwise conduct himself in a reasonable/socially-responsible manner unless he is being constantly entertained or excited. Usually there is in fact nothing whatsoever truly wrong with the cranky person's mind, and thus his "illness" merely stems from a petulant selfish mindset that probably resulted from his being pampered and spoiled rotten as a child.

Teenage delinquent: Things are gettin' a little boring around the 'hood --- let's incite a riot!
Responsible teenager: Sorry, pal... I ain't gonna jeopardize my 100% clean criminal record just to temporarily satisfy your boredomline personality disorder!

by QuacksO July 31, 2013

Prolonged grief disorder

Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) is a mental disorder consisiting a clearly separated set of symptoms following death of close one. Symptoms include Depression, Emotional pain, Loneliness, Identity disturbance. Difficult accepting loss is also common. No guarantee onset of PGD. Known risk factors include one-time incidents: Miscarriage, Death either by homicide or suicide, Death in hospital. Long-term predictors include: Childhood separation anxiety, Parental abuse, Emotional dependency. Tricyclic antidepressants alone or together with interpersonal psychotherapy ineffective in reducing PGD symptoms, and psychotherapy designed specifically for PGD has been proven to be beneficial.

Or in typical urban dictionary fashion: Prolonged grief disorder is a mental disorder where a player is destroying player's bases and stuff for their own pleasure

by Notmelol123 May 28, 2022

Borderline Personality Disorder

The ultimate 'Frienemy' & 'Emotional trainwreck'

Sufferers of BPD are insecure, in need of social approval and cannot handle criticism (suffers include popular & charismatic people). BPD sufferers are 'frenemies' because they often try to make themselves feel better by putting down friends/family & drag them into their own self inflicted dramas. When friends/family (rightly) try to intervene it is typically interpreted as a personal attack/criticism which often results in a explosive reaction, BPD sufferers will blame everyone but themselves for their situation and will run away from their problems (sometimes literally) and will turn to alcohol/substance abuse and even self harm as it is seen as a quick way out of their current situation.

Although you wouldn't know it, the BPD suffers do actually feel shame for the drama they cause, but instead of changing their behaviour or seeking help they often only end up trying to run away from that doing more severe self-destructive behaviour eventually, for example: running away for the evening becomes sleeping the night rough, binge drinking becomes drug abuse, eating disorders becomes actual attempts on their own lives (i.e. overdose). It's a vicious circle which harms everyone caught in with the BPD sufferer.

Borderline Personality Disorder sufferer walks out of job, you try to encourage him to get his job back. He'll berate you and try to put you down, while getting drunk on your money at the bar, when you stand up to him he'll threaten you if you still don't back down he'll run away disappear for a week and hope everyone is too worried to bring up the topic. A few months down the line he does something stupid again and the pattern repeats getting slightly worse eachtime.

by Godsakes September 24, 2013

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Fight Club Disorder

A condition under which an individual mistakenly believes their life is an extension of the Film "Fight Club"
the delusion that watching "Fight Club" has somehow made them a better person.

Symptoms often include and overuse of the term "Sheeple".

She keeps calling people Sheeple, she must have Fight Club Disorder.

by Tyler Turden July 3, 2013

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Olympic Obsessive Disorder

A condition in which the person is addicted to things about the Olympics. Otherwise know as "ODD"

John: Do you want to come outside and throw around a baseball or something?

Chris: No, the Olympics are on. I'm going to go and watch that as well as play my Olympic video game, drink from my Olympic cup, and write a story about the Olympics with my Olympic pen and Olympic themed paper.

John: Wow, you suffer from Olympic Obsessive Disorder!

by lightband December 18, 2011

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