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fact got

A 'fact got' is a slang for the word 'faggot'. A 'fact got' is what straightโ€” often timesโ€” southern white boys use when they're too afraid to say faggot.

They normally comment 'fact got' under videos of homosexual relationships. Most people who use this are meaning it in a derogatory light, which shows they don't understand how to let other people be fucking happy.

But if a gay person is to use this, it's okay because they're gay. That's a given.

Under a lesbian couple video, comments like this.

- "you two are fact gots"

- "a real life fact got"

by สš born to cry ษž May 29, 2024

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fact got

used in place of faggot, usually by straight people to avoid the slur

straight person: look at those fact gots over there
gay person: what the fuck.

by hautkrankheiten December 27, 2023

Fact Got

Another way to pronounce a homophobic slur.

"Look it's a fact got!! XDXD"

"..that's it, im blocking you."

by mikeyytheurbandumbass December 27, 2023

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Fact got

"Fact got" or in plural "Fact gots" basically means "Faggot". It was mainly used in the in the social media app 'Tik tok' in the comments section.

"Fact gots!!"
"They're so Fact gots...!!"

by Sovera_Soap December 28, 2023

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fact got

Another term for "faggot", mostly used in the internet (especially tiktok).
Used for when someone is gay or acting gay. Used by people who don't like gay people.

Person 1 (Homosexual): *Posts a gay related video*
Person 2 (Homophobe):"You're a fact got"

by FloptropicanSwiftie1369 April 28, 2024

fact got

or fac got, is often used in a tiktok or social media comment section. the meaning behind it is similar sounding to the f slur.

*tiktok of a random person*
insufferable person in the comments: " fact got "

by itzzzalex December 31, 2024

Fact got

Another word social media users use to say a slur that rhymes with maggot, the slur is used against gay people.

Gay person:Yes i am gay!

Straight person: FACT GOT ;-;!

by Sku11Prince_ January 19, 2024