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Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII was fantastic in the year it came out. Now, it's understandable why there is such a controversy over it in 2006: people are now expecting better graphics and bigger, more complex storylines. In 1996, Final Fantasy VII had these so the american population went crazy over it. Sure, there was no need to hype it up, but most did anyway. Just like people are doing now for video games like Kingdom Hearts (II) or Warcraft or ven Xenosaga(I, II, or III).

In another ten years, these games are going to be looked at the same way Final Fantasy VII is now being looked at: overhyped.

Final Fantasy VII has a deep and moving storyline. However, most people prefer other games in the series, because they may think that, for example, Final fantasy VI had better graphic or more complex characters (or even both).

Whether or not you enjoyed the game depends on your own personal taste.

For me, I thought that Final Fantasy VII had a great storyline, terrible graphics(the cut scenes could've been better, but then again I didn't play it in 1996 and am now used to game characters that can talk and 45-min long cutscenes: blame Xenosaga), and one of the most messed up main characters around. I mean, seriously, Cloud was screwed up for more than a disk. Well, anyway, I would much prefer Final Fantasy X's graphics anyday. Other then that, kudos to Sony for bringing about one of the best rpgs in 1996.

Final Fantasy VII was fantastic in 1996. In 2006, however, I'm looking towards Final Fantasy XII, because frankly, it'll have the graphics and storyline expected for this decade...I hope. In 2016, we might have hologram videogames...I can't wait.

by Reikokittykat April 13, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

Braska's Final Aeon

The true final boss of Final Fantasy X (10). He has a kick-ass theme song called "Otherworld" and a unique look that distinguishes him from other villains.

Braska's Final Aeon used Ultimate Jecht Shot because I was too stupid to talk to him and reduce his Overdrive gauge.

by Jecht Molester April 19, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gods final message

God final message can be found in thirty foot high pillars of flame on the Quentulus Quazgar mountains in the land of sevorbeupstry on the planet Pliumtarn, in sector QQ7 active J gamma. and reads

"We apologise of the inconveniece"

"Gods final message"

by marvin February 17, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy Fiesta

Where a group of hardcore gamers (DA BROOD BABY), stay up for as long as they physically can playing Final Fantasy Xl. The consumption of large amounts of caffiene is a common practice at these Fiestas. Tea being the most common form. Why they are named Fiestas is beyond me but the people who created them are such damn P.I.M.P.s that i don't question it. The members have to keep eachother awake by means of drawing on their faces, slapping them, or inserting jolly ranchers into their anuses (Ok and that is just great fun right there). They are also known as FF Fiestas and are extremely uber and you should definatley try it.

Gamer: Dude, lets have an Final Fantasy Fiesta this weekend.
Gamer 2: Hells yea negro, I wanna lvl 7 times... (In Denmark)

by B RAD G July 22, 2006

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Final Fantasy Crap

This is another name for Final Fantasy 8... so given due the 8's broken-ass Junction system, broken-ass limit break system, and lackluster cast. The entire game can be beaten by leaving your group with low health and spamming limit breaks over and over and over until you defeat the last form of the final boss... that's it! That's the only strategy you will ever need to play it! The characters don't even get any equipment in this one, just different weapons... everything is handled, rather omnipotently, by the Junction system, so you don't even have to think.

Never mind the fact that the game is first set at a school, who the fuck thought that would be a good idea? Sort of defeats the purpose of cutting class to play it, I might add.

It's only redeeming quality was that if you decided to see it through to the end, men in white coats would come, sent by the government, to take you some place special. Anyone who defends FF8 on a message board needs to be immediately reminded that the worst sniper in the whole world becomes your strongest party member apart from the hero, and then bitchslapped across the face with the strategy guide they got suckered into buying.

Me: Hey dude, you like the FF series, you tried Final Fantasy Crap?
Dude: Which one are you referring to? Because if you say six I will beat the shit out of you.
Me: Haha... Fucking eight, of course... it was worse than playing Legend of Dragoon twice!

by Just a humble opinionated soul December 17, 2009

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Final Fantasy 7

Video game that doesn't focus on gameplay, but storyline.

A storyline that consists of a lot of devices that don't change the plot.

And plot irrelevant characters, Yuffie and Vincent.

If you want a story, read a book or comic.

If you want a video game, play a NES game.

by Anonymous March 21, 2005

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NBA Finals 2006

Something Miami won for the first time because

A. Dwyane Wade (the MVP) put up impressive numbers and beat all the odds, including leading his team to 4 straight wins, 1 of those in which Miami was down 13 points in the final quarter with 6 minutes and another of which was the winning one in dallas

B. Dallas played like crap while in miami

C. Did I mention Dwyane Wade put up impressive numbers?

"3 seconds left. Jason Terry shoots the 3...Misses! Dwyane Wade gets the rebound! And the Miami Heat win the NBA Finals 2006, their first title in franchise history!"

by Jsdkg dwauifhsa June 23, 2006

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