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grind from behind

dancing sexually, when a boy dancers behind a girl and she rolls her arse into his dick area

"for the 6th time she got grind from behind"

by Roisin_playboy September 14, 2003

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grind you up

The act of telling someone off after they have been busting on you so this is how you return the favor.

" you keep talking and i'm a grind you up."

by Nadine Marie February 11, 2009

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Bro Grind Train

The phenomenon where a grind train consists of all bros and one or no females. Resulting in straight guys grinding on each other in a train. Usually in a party with too many bros and not enough girls.


Dude, lets go to another party, everyone is just in a Bro Grind Train here.

by School boyz November 11, 2010

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Scoop Grinding (Scooping)

When grinding, the girl drops to the ground and rolls up slowly with her butt pointed out in a ice cream scooping motion. Extremely enjoyable to watch and feel by the guy.

"Dude, that girl was scoop grinding (scooping) me so many times last night it was so hot!"

by dwreck313 January 28, 2012

Grind Through the Misery

A low-energy, nialistic, survival condition created by a seemingly endless cascade of bad news, pandemic illness and death, economic despair, joblessness, false-start state, school and business openings, out of control wildfires, floods and hurricanes, social unrest, looting, burning and property destruction, social media fueled dis-information campaigns designed to derail any hope of 2020 election legitimacy, partisan mega-donor US Postal Service disassembly as an attempt to erode confidence in vote by mail balloting and the flagrantly misleading influence committed by self-serving, opportunistic Politicians.

Did you hear Trump knew in back February that the virus was airborne, deadly and spreading?
Yeah, so?
Well, that's not what he told us.
He was just trying to keep order and prevent panic.
Oh,right. He's holding an indoor campaign rally TONIGHT! No social distancing and few, if any, will wear masks.
Yup, I'm goin'. The Pandemic is over, it was a hoax anyway.
Ahh, I think I'll just stay home and Grind Through the Misery.

by YAWA September 14, 2020

Grinding Bones

Refers to the act of inserting Tab A into Slot B, Putting the envelope into the mailbox. This sexual act is a deep act of passion, and only happens when you need to really have to remember the sex you had months, years later.

If I didnt come up for his birthday, we wouldnt be dating right now.

Yea because you guys were grinding bones all night.

by EtchaMcSketch April 4, 2011

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back on my grind

Back on my grind means you're back to your old ways

I tried to change, but I guess I'm back on my grind.

by Nshtx August 22, 2015

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