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skin wings

a vagina thats lips look like it could flutter away.

i sure liked the taste of her skin wings.

by z. brit June 27, 2006

skin flute

a penis, cock, dick, or whatever nickname you may have for it

Also, "playing the skin flute"
(giving a bj)

"Greg M. rubbed his skin flute as he watched the guys at the lunch table"

also, when asked if he "played the skin flute, Greg M. "Who doesn't play the skin flute?"

by LuNcH TaBlE FuN 20 December 6, 2003

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Skins NOOB

Based on the british tv show skins and all there wild parties
a skins noob is someone who in the middle of a party will say
"OMG its like skins "
to which everyone will look at that person and will then be beaten down.
aka michael fowler

"shit,man this parties sick "
"yh man its like a skins party"
"i cant actually beleive u just sed that u fucking skins noob"

by Jdawgthecool March 24, 2009

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Skin Baby

Any person who looks like a shaved chimpanzee or monkey. Used as a negative description.

Yo dawg, you look like an absolute Skin Baby.

Skin Baby!

by Isdustbinn March 27, 2020

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Skin Mohawk

It is the ridge of skin that joins the left and right segments of the scrotum or nut sack.

"One day while trimming the hair on my balls with an electric shaver, I accidentally cut my 'Skin Mohawk'.My balls felt like they were on fire for 3 hours".

by 04 GTO February 11, 2009

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Skin and Boners

When, because of all the sex you've been having, you have lost all the fat on your body. This can be because you have had to stop eating, or been spending so much energy. Usually stopped by bringing whipped cream to the bedroom.

Stacey: "Holy crap, your boyfriend has lost alot of weight! He's skin and bones!"

Jane: "Skin and boners, actually."

by Ploofy4 April 23, 2010

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skin nib

A bit of skin that grows on your chest, underarm or face. Usually fat or old people have "skin nibs" on their bodies. Otherwise known as "proud flesh" or a "skin tag". Medically known as 'cutaneous papilloma' or an 'acrochordon'.

Oh gross, she's got skin nibs growing under her arms!

by J.D. Nelson February 7, 2007

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