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internal (infrasonic) cavitations

Non-Tarski spaces contain not only the set (infinity) of points in the space-interior; but also the uncountable set (superset) of points on the interior WALL of the sphere.

Although non-Tarski shapes contain only interior points: they are porous.

This is due to the spinning-panformal-primes on the Tarski sphere..

Tarski shapes (superset on the exterior of the shape) are nonporous; while non-Tarski shapes (superset on the wall-interior) are porous. The concept of internal (infrasonic) cavitations helps explain the relative porousness of non-Tarski shapes by assigning them to spinning-panformal-primes embedded in the interior wall of the non-Tarski shape.

These (internal) cavitations allow the points of gravity-frequentism (dark frequentism) to escape outside of the non-Tarski shape.

These internal-cavity shapes explain the ontology of anti-Fauvic spaces from an emergentist perspective.

by flightfacilities May 8, 2022

international ratio day

on this day you ratio as many people as you can whether it be on twitter or roblox chat

"i disagree with your opinion." "ratio"

"it's international ratio day!" "ratio"

by iiOmqItzVoreGaming744 October 27, 2021

International Wank Day

The day of December 1st, following the month of No Nut November, where every male is encouraged to masturbate, to relieve the testicular tension of the previous month.

Person 1: Bro can you come to the game tomorrow.
Person 2: Nah sorry bro it’s International Wank Day.
Person 1: Damn bro why didn’t you remind me?

by Bongonog November 12, 2019

International Redmond Day

May 5th every year since 2004.
The day that an amazing person was born, and the day that his friends take the day to celebrate him and his amazing self.

Person 1: Hey man, you know what day it is?
Person 2: Yeah dude! It's Cinco De Mayo!
Person 1: Sure, but more importantly, it's International Redmond Day!
Person 2: Whoa bro, I almost forgot! Forget Cinco De Mayo!

by Quit It Quinn May 1, 2020

Internal bruh reflex

The reflex that happens whenever a bruh moment happens. Makes you say “bruh

*bruh moment happens*
Internal bruh reflex activates

by this username sucks November 11, 2022

international beer sign

The 'International Beer Sign' is the internationally accepted gesture for the word 'Beer'. It is used in loud environments such as clubs or when communicating with deaf people to help them understand that you want a beer.

The gesture is done by opening the mouth, placing both hands below as if holding a beer bottle, and moving them up and down while twisting the bottle.

In a club:

Man: "I'd like a beer please"

Bartender: "I can't hear you"

Man: does international beer sign
Bartender: " ah yes, beer."

by BenjLadd July 10, 2023

International Maritime Law

Section 1 in the International Maritime Law states that if you perform unlawful actions behind your significant other's back and he/she resides in a different time zone, it is not considered cheating.

I did nothing wrong, check the International Maritime Law

by Qaoz October 1, 2021